Thursday, December 09, 2004

Grow Up

A common catch phrase is the childhood want to not grow up and be an adult. Said by Peter Pan and even Toys R Us advertisements, children seem to want to stay young forever. That is, until they reach the age in which they learn staying young forever is an impossibility. Still, there are adults out there that keep their youth in their hearts and quite possibly their own lives. After all, if there is one thing that Walt Disney has taught any of us, it is that adults are really just really big kids.

What about the kind that can't grow up? What about the ones that, for one psychological reason or another, cannot become a "normal" adult?

Most of the time, they are seen as bums who are either very co-dependent and will end up homeless and starving once something bad happens and they cannot get their shit together. They are played up as the unattractive fat ass on the couch that does nothing but watch TV and eat pizza. A living Homer Simpson without the job at the Nuclear Plant.

This seems grossly unfair. It is as if society is saying to those out there that cannot function that you are losers. You cannot be normal. You are the scum of the earth simply because you cannot hold a job let alone get one. You are childish for being unable to drive and for liking cartoons at your age when you should be viewing something more productive and thought provoking like the news. In short, grow up and get your shit together.

Some people can. Some cannot.

The ones that can are rewarded for conforming to the norm, while those that cannot are left for dead, often times alone. And we all know how being different means you are bad. Society seems to have a problem with things that are different in skin color, sexuality, gender, and pretty much anything else that is outside of the common comfort zone.

I have no authority to state this as fact or even a popular stereotype. It just seems to be my general point of view right now given several things.

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