Sunday, January 12, 2003

I just finished watching the Disney Channel Movie You Wish!. Great movie really. Some of the best acting I've seen for something that low budget since Brink!.... and I'm not just saying that cause AJ Trauth is cute too.

Anyway, this blog is long over due for publication, mostly because I don't know why.

I know something is wrong with me. There has to be! Something is bothering me and I don't know what it is. Since Friday it seems that I can't do what I need to do, what I need to get done. I can't seem to think or wake up or sleep or even eat. All I want to do is just finish Final Fantasy Tactics as if there was some kind of personal contest with me. I've been playing like I normally do whenever something is wrong. I mean, I like to play games, yeah. But when something is bothering me, I play like it's going out of style. It may seem unhealthy the fact that I just sit there for about eight hours straight only getting up to go to the bathroom if even that, but that's how I deal with the shit that is hurdled towards me. It's my escape. It's my drug. It's my alcohol, which according to Kevin is just as addicting (the video game playing thing that is). I haven't returned that application to H.G. Hills that I picked up last Wednesday even though it only took me no more than five minutes to fill it out. I haven't even bother looking since then!

What's wrong with me? There has to be something wrong with me. What is the deal? Why can't I get up anymore and do what I have to? Why is it so hard to go to sleep at night? Why is it that all I want to do is just raise Mustadio's level high enough to where he can be this cool sniper in my attack party or figure out how to steal that one item that Meliduo or whatever her name is has because it can give Argias practically imortality? Why is it that every time I look at the damn application sitting there where I'll always see it I get this feeling that trying as hard as I have been isn't worth it half the time and that I'm not trying hard enough the other half of the time? Did it have something to do with what went on the last week?

So many questions, so little answers.

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