Friday, April 08, 2005

Another New Blog

I started a blog called Photographic Memories as a way around my problem with Flickr. It may not be what I wanted, but it's better than nothing.

For this month, I have all of my Italy pictures up on the new blog. They will stay on the blog even once the images fall off my Photostream. You can view the other pictures I uploaded recently via the Daily Zeitgeist or by actually visiting my Flickr profile. Those pictures won't be posted on the blog until next month (provided I can remember).

Oh well, I'm just following in "her" (You know who you are.) footsteps. I mean, she had a photoblog at one point.

One last note. I'm republishing this entire site, as I apparently found some dead pages. That means that all of my archives are going to show this post as the most recent post I had up. Not a big problem, but it does kind of annoy the side of me that likes real-time updates.

1 comment:

Leggy Pee said...

on my way to check them out!