Sunday, August 31, 2008

Inside Voice Coming Out

Should I be surprised that I can't do certain things in Photoshop since I'm a student? No. I should be thankful. It forces me to draw better instead of relying on fancy digital tricks.

But why is it that I cannot come up with a background for a character drawing of myself as a Sonic the Hedgehog character? Do I need one? I don't know. I should put something in there to ground the character at the very least. Something abstract, maybe, like what I did with my first one.

I wonder why I got that warning about there being a memory issue with CS3 when I tried to save a JPEG. Then again, I wonder why I can't use the "Save As" option to do that. TIFF files are great for printing, but not for digital portfolios or archiving on to my USB drive. Have to have something universal and can be read by all machines.

I wonder how I'll favor as far as my productivity goes when Spore comes out. I'm already starting to see a drop in that right now, and the game isn't out yet. Hopefully, Jason can help me out. If not him, then someone can get me inspired to actually work on my thesis and not on playing God.

Games with omniscient controlling abilities. Being addicted to them must be a sign that I feel I have no control over my own life.


Anonymous said...

What kind of world does your sonic the hedgehog character exist in? One of the interesting things about sonic is that he travels through many distinct worlds: green hill, Chemical Plant, Carnival, Marble hill, but they all share a style of loops and steep drops. Everything, even the grass and dirt, looks designed and angular. Is your sonic living in sonic world or your world? can you represent your own world in a sonic style? How would your house look with loops and springs instead of stairs?

As for the memory issue, you probably have too many programs open. CS3 is very demanding of RAM, try closing all the other programs.

Robert Stone said...

So long as we bleed,
the devil will not play God
to deceive the world,

Games with omniscient
controlling abilities
are no longer games

I was tempted to say something about you and Jason but even I am not that brave.