Friday, August 29, 2008

Weak-end Project

So here I am on the Mac fresh from finishing a two-and-a-half minute loop I've edited together. Not for my thesis. Not even for my mom who has been tossing around the idea of exploiting my DVD production abilities. But for a Fan DVD that I'll be producing one copy of, for myself only, of the Sea of Dreams short films that premiered during Tokyo DisneySea's 5th anniversary. The only things left to do is to figure out what images to use in the main menu, since iDVD has given me several options there, as well as how to set up the individual short films menus. The goal is to be finished by Sunday that way I can spend Labor Day on my thesis.

Linking the religious meaning of an avatar with the contemporary meaning of it while trying to not alienate those who are not a member of those subcultures using nothing but a visual media. Now there's a challenge worthy of my attention, yet not of my obsession.

1 comment:

Robert Stone said...


When I read "religious meaning of an avatar," I decided that I needed to read up on just what an avatar is. It appears to me to be such a broad term that I would be pleased to have you discuss just what your definition is.

Could it be that Egyptian pyramids, Greek temples, Christian mosaics, stained-glass picture windows from the Middle Ages, and the Stations of the Cross might be types of pre-computer avatars?
