Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Murakami on my iPod

Remember how this past summer I went to New York to visit the Murakami Retrospective and how I was blown away by the animation style he used in Kanye West's video? Well, iTunes just released the video for download. It's the clean version of the song, which I could care less about. I just bought it because I wanted one of Murakami's animation at my fingertips for studying. That, and they didn't sell a DVD featuring it and the two episode of Kaikai & Kiki featured in the show.

I think the reason why the music video was only released now had something to do with contracts and debuting rights, but at least now the MTV crowd (what little there is that hasn't been over saturated by reality shows starring the shallow and self-absorbed) will get to see some really innovative animation from Japan that isn't anime.

1 comment:

Robert Stone said...


Yes, I remember reading your posts about Murakami but I don't recall having heard of Kanye West. This post suffers from two things:

you don't say what the name of the video is

you don't say what "clean version" means
