Sunday, August 24, 2008

FinalCut It Out Because You Can Do Better

If there is one thing about myself I should have known but keep falling over into doing, it is that my ambition clearly out weights my ability and commitment to almost anything. I have piles of video games left unfinished as evidence to that.

However, my biggest moment of failure in this area happened last night. While going though iDVD to see what new offerings 7.0 had, I accidentally revived my Sea of Dreams Fan DVD project. A long story short, I ended up discovering that iDVD doesn't like Windows Media files even with Flip4Mac installed. It also gets extremely buggy when my ambition wanted the DVD to be in wide screen format. One thing lead to another, and when it was all said and done, I cancelled the project for another day and time risking the loss of five short movies and all their extras to something as simple as a static shock.

Everyone says I'm good at video work. I don't see it. The last thing I ever did on Final Cut was a selective fading out of photographs I took from my Study Abroad class. While nothing fancy, it was simple enough to get an artistic message across. But then you have all my personal stuff like an abandoned fireworks project which may end up being put through FinalCut simply because I want to have a credits crawl and a dedication block that I cannot do in Movie Maker. Finding that balance of use is going to be difficult for someone who is, for lack of a better description, a media junkie.

I had this great idea for a sculpture piece based on this side of me. It was going to be a toilet with an arm rest that folded out into a desk. There would be a bank of monitors that would wrap around in a 180 degree pan, each displaying something different. It would sit on a pedestal just so I could hide all the DVD players and make the form more simple. What killed the project was cost in material and construction.

Oh well, once a dreamer always a dreamer.


Anonymous said...

If you look at the list of themes in iDVD there should be both widescreen and 4:3 themes. Selecting the widescreen theme should allow you to make widescreen dvds.

If you want to put wmv's on dvd, your best bet is to bring them into final cut pro, render them, and export them as quicktime .mov. If you have flip4mac it should allow you to use wmv in FCP.

Robert Stone said...

Without fruit firewood.
Without purpose ambition
Without dreams failure