Wednesday, December 25, 2002

(Hmm.. I was trying to find that little copyright site so I can copyright my blog. Oh well, so much for that.)

Having nothing better to do, I decided to watch Lilo & Stitch. I still cry every time Lilo or Stitch hurt like I did when I first saw it. Why? Because I can relate. I know the hurt of having nothing to revisit to make myself happy in a broken family. Well, this family is broken if you ask me.

After crying my eyes out, I started thinking about some things I have failed to blog. After debating about it in my head, I decided not to bother updating as to what I have failed to put here. Why? Cause it's not worth it. It's just the same tired story that you can find in every other update here.

Yes, those that have been keeping score. It happened again. This time for good.... I think... I hope... (Zeek, that was a bad thing to say just then.)

So what is there to write about while I'm here as I'm listening to the Linkin Park: Reanimation CD? Brace yourself.

Have you ever wanted to just start your life over? Have you ever wanted to just erase everything you ever regreted doing? Guess what? You can't. I've wanted to do that so many times, but the sad fact is that you just fucking can't. It's like the song goes. "I've tried so hard and gone so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter." It just doesn't matter what I do anymore. Add to my list of resolutions that I need to just live a life even if it's just pathetic. Why? Cause there is no reason to live anymore. You can't live a life you want without stepping on people's toes. Even if you are able to tip toe over them, you still can't avoid them compleately. So what's the point of this rant? What's the point to anything really? Why do I have this blog? Why do I play NeoPets? Why is it that come New Year's Eve that I'll break out my DDR game and mat in an attempt to get in shape? There isn't any. I could just bore you with excuses, and I have this feeling I have at several points in this blog. If I wanted to, I could point out where in the archives. Should I? No. Why? Cause it just doesn't matter.

Well, that was painless. Admitting that this whole life I have been trying to make for myself is nothing more but a delusion. So much for that. I was hoping that maybe I'd break down, cry, even go off on a tangent and rant about something seemingly unrelated (oops, too late). I wonder what that means.

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