Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Resistance Band Goes SNAP!

How unfortunate. I was expecting this to happen, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

In an effort to increase the intensity of the strength training exercises, I decided to shorten the space between the two grips instead of opting to fold the band over itself. The result was the band snapping. Well, tearing, technically.

Not knowing what to do, I called GameStop to see if they sold replacements. The person I talked to said that EA only sells a kit for multi-player options which includes an additional leg strap and resistance band. I was planning on buying this, but that would ultimately mean I would still be down a band. The person I talked to was very knowledgeable about the product, and suggested I go to Wal-Mart and pick up some pilates band. They are essentially the same thing, and they are cheaper.

So I did. The $10 set comes with three different colored bands, each representing a different level of intensity. Immediately, I noticed that the "easy" band was thicker than the band that came with the game. It was also significantly wider, which made tying it to the grips that much more difficult. I tested it with a shoulder press, which is the farthest the band should stretch on any given workout session for the game. And I got a stronger resistance than I did with the pink band that came with the game!!

Incidentally, these bands are the same ones that my sister used when she was in ballet with her warm up stretches. She said she used to use the green one, as the orange one was not strong enough for her. And I'll be using the orange band for tomorrow's workout. This should be very interesting.

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