Wednesday, May 20, 2009

EA SPORTS Active's 30 Day Challenge - Day 2

I knew I was going to feel it in the morning, and boy, did I. I lost a good three hours of sleep because I woke up with sore legs. But, as the cliche goes, "No pain, no gain."

So with sore legs and all, I hit the second day of the 30 Day Challenge. Today's workout was centered around limbs and strengthening them. It incorporated variations of exercises that was done the day before as well as including the sport I suck the worse at second only to Baseball. Tennis.

And it is there that I noticed some failing programing within the software. You can fail, and I did. I failed hard. None of the tennis balls coming my way hit the blue target on the other side of the court and my counter didn't go up at all. Both on the forehand and backhand strokes. Strangely enough, my calorie burn went up as normal.

But today should be a day of oddities. The Wii Remote failed to send a signal that said I was doing an exercise drill properly. Then, when I was signing out, I noticed that the battery life was already at 50%. And to top it off, my trainer today sounded like Greg Grunberg if he smoked several packs a day. Yesterday, he sounded like Duo from Gundam: Wing.

But the oddest thing was the fact that I burned more calories than projected but didn't sweat as much as I did. I somehow gained 2 pounds since yesterday, so this morning I was training at 158 lbs. The math said I would burn 112 calories with today's workout, but I ended up burning close to 130.

My journal was loaded with compliments on all my achievements from yesterday, as well as from today's work out. It's also the first time I've noticed how much of the workout takes up in your daily medal, which is about 50% of your daily score. But that's where the compliments end. My food survey said I need to eat more in general, as well as take in more fruits and veggies. The Outside Activity survey apparently scored me lower than yesterday by at least half due to some fine print I didn't notice where it recommends not recording any activity that wasn't done for at least 15 minutes at a time. Go figure.

Thankfully, I got a score of 81%, which is still a Gold Medal for the day. I even got a congrats video from Bob Greene for completing a fitness goal.

Tomorrow, the 30 Day Challenge is telling me to take a break. I think since that will be the case, I'll be spending some time with Wii Fit. Yeah, I know, I'm cheating on my outside activity survey, but walking Skippy for 20 minutes isn't really an intense activity.

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