Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thesis Reboot

My morning routine has been interrupted. It normally goes like this:

Walk the dog
Check e-mail
Check message boards

I've done the first to, but as I was going to check the message boards I stopped myself.

Yesterday, Brady was trolling the studios and exchanged his usual polite hello. He more than anyone last semester expressed a genuine interest in my artistic potential and tried to be as supportive as possible, often leaving me little articles in my space he would come across. I pretty much told him briefly that I feel like I've just started over, even though I know I haven't. It's starting to affect my outlook on the class and my thesis.

I didn't know how right I was.

I also talked to Kristi. It was mostly because I got her e-mail and was confused by the words she used to express how she felt about my initial proposal. I got the impression that she thought my thesis wasn't ambitious enough, that it wasn't big enough. What she really meant was that there wasn't enough meat in the proposal for her to understand what it was that I am doing, both in project content and in subject matter that I'll be exploring. From there, we (more or less) went over what may or may not have been a contributing factor to my failure to graduate last semester. It was pretty much nailed into me that I, like so many other artists, get locked into a specific style because that's all I surround myself with. It was advised that I stop looking at those things and start looking at other artists and influences. Let my guard down.

I think that's why I stopped myself from checking my message board subscriptions. To me, it's just checking another form of e-mail. But I have to deal with an interface that is over saturated with Disney characters, anime role-playing game adverts, and the occasional independent artist who was able to break out of the comic genre with a graphic style unique to themselves.

Today is also research day... if I can bring myself to actually doing it given how awkward I feel right now about having to very literally start over. At least production wise.


Robert Stone said...

No new stimulus
no new response
no growth

Robert Stone said...


I quoted from your post in my LiveJournal post for today.

One of blogs which I follow is Inside My Head by Jon. On September 4 his post included these words:

It was pretty much nailed into me that I, like so many other artists, get locked into a specific style because that's all I surround myself with. It was advised that I stop looking at those things and start looking at other artists and influences. Let my guard down.

I was looking through things I wrote more than forty years ago and when I came to this poem, I said, sounds sort like the same thing.


When I sit alone and meditate
upon the ultimates of life and death
I often often come to think
that all who think must think as I
Consider, I say unto myself,
Consider, this is so plain straight-forward
that no one who has intelligence
could see a plainer way
I convince myself of my own thoughts
I exclude the words of others
I make myself omnibus
And I am happy in exclusion

But then, something will strike out at me
As when I view the abstract painting
In some museum of art
In some museum where I know the art
Is chosen by a finely-appreciative people
I am left with nothingness to guide me
My mind and thinking fail me
My ego suffers a death in life
For here is the work of another mind
Whose expression is so far from me
That I cannot bear to hear it praised

And I say unto myself, flee from this place
Return unto your own familiar existence
And live secure within yourself
And I run and run and seek my own well-knowns
Converse with those who suffer my pride
And avoid the greater minds.

-- May 22, 1960