Tuesday, September 07, 2004

"Maybe I'm just like my mother"

I have this strange urge to write a mystery story for my other blog The Purple Pen. Why?

I blame the show Case Closed, personally, for making the fan boy in me go all "I want to show how much I love the show by writing my own fan fiction!" The show, much like Murder She Wrote and Monk, is very unique in its own way. What drew me in was the strange sci-fi element in which the main character, who is the ace detective in the story, was turned into a grade school child thanks to some "poison." The entire series revolves around this one plot to get his original body and age restored. All this while living under the roof of the girl he likes and her drunkard father--who just happens to be a detective as well--with a different name so no one will know what really happened to him. Nuts, huh?

In any event, I've produced a mystery before, as anyone who's read far enough into the archives knows. It was my first mystery too, and apparently went over with those who read it rather nicely. It's also extremely hard. I have so many false clues that so many people were thrown off by it. That was my intent.

However, to write one that would be able to stand up, or at least be compared, to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or even to the writers of Columbo is another matter. I would have to think things through to the point where the reader would want to know "who done it" and why.

And judging from the comments on my other blog, that doesn't appear to be the case. My writing style is mostly cute and cheerful. Of course, I'm basing this off of only three stories and just as many comments left behind, so what do I know?

We'll see what comes up... if anything.

Ironically, my mother wanted to do the same thing for a conference meeting that's coming up. She has no clue what she is in for in planning and preparing something like this.

1 comment:

Leggy Pee said...

just start piecing it together as ideas pop into your head...and go back to my blog and post the comment u wanted to post!!!