Saturday, November 30, 2002

I decided not to bother walking to the other, much quiter commercial area close to where I live for two reasons. One, it was still sale weekend which means there still are people out there hoarding the deals before they go away. Two, my legs were hurting like the dickens! In fact, as I'm typing this, my upper left calf is pulsing. Probibly with pain or with the mission to get nutrients to the muscle fibers.

Anyway, I started to do what I normally do here in Nashville. Yeah, the whole "eat-sleep-online" shit. I got really upset that I had nothing to do and no one to really hang out with. That wouldn't be the case if I was in Seattle, but I digress. If I ranted here about it... wait, I do that anyway! Well, upset that I had nothing to do and no one to hang out with, I decided to hack open one of my two packed boxes. The box formally used for the iMac now houses all my video games and their respective systems. I debated on selling the older ones untill I remembered that I like to sometimes go back and play the old games since I know some of them still work. Thank God I threw out the malfunctioning Mario Paint game. That sucker wouldn't get me five dollars if I tried. So, leaving the video game box sealed, I opened my entertainment box which held mostly CDs and videos that I like. Upon looking for cooking music, I couldn't find my Paganini CD I bought back when I was into the violin. For some reason, ever since watching that one episode of Queer as Folk where Justin meets and then falls in love with Ethan I have been wanting to break out that CD and just listen to the violin. Sad, huh? I blame Queer as Folk for that.

As far as cooking goes? I think I can make a decend mushroom and swiss burger. Now if only I had swiss instead of cheader.

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