Sunday, July 07, 2002

I got a calming e-mail from Aaron about what happened to Bill. It seems that he is alergic to Arugula. This is a first since BIll will eat almost anything!! Guess that means he can't now.

In other news, I watched a rather interesting movie tonight. If I can ever find it, I need to get Stigmata on video. I don't know why, but movies like that intrest me. The movie is about The Bible Commission where three priests from New York, the Vatican, and Brazil were charged with traslating a scroll found in Jerusulem. They were shut up and the commission dropped when it was discovered that the scrolls could distroy the church. Ironically, the scrolls are said to be the writings of Jesus himself and that they are the instructions said from Jesus on how to carry on his teachings. Hollywood or history? Well, the movie claims that the scrolls where indeed found and translated, but said that the Vatican took them as herasy towards the church. On the pluse side, however, the film did point out something I always thought about. "The Kingdom of God is within you and around you. Split a peice of wood and you will find me; lift a stone and I am there." You don't need a church to be in the presence of God. He's already there with you. But like my mother said, "Sometimes we need to be reminded of that."

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