Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Stress, Headaches, and Something Else

A boat load of new responsibilities has been thrown on me that all need to be met by this Friday. I'm researching identity theory as it pertains to the avatar while avoiding the part of that subject that I don't understand, mostly the psychology part. I just finished sending off press release information. I finally printed the final stage of my first two avatars on a smaller scale and will be doing minor tweaking with it before printing them large scale/life size. I even started on my third piece which I hope to have done in time for my mandatory candidacy presentation.

My head is spinning to the point where I'm not sure if it is stress or my equilibrium really is starting to fail on me. I take breaks, but while I'm on them, I can't relax. I get more anxious about falling behind even if it is only for five minutes. Even now, during this point in the evening where I'm telling myself to stop and do something else, I can't stop thinking about what needs to get done and what I want to do and how little time I have to do both of those things.

It's driving me insane. And I don't have any left over comfort food to bring me back down from it when I get home.

1 comment:

Robert Stone said...

Nature takes no breaks.
When we love what we must do,
doing it is joy