Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jonathan Ross's Interview with Takashi Murakami

Personal Note: The comments in this video mirror my own upon seeing Murakami's work for the first time, which is why my thesis is so heavily driven by the cartoon aesthetic.

1 comment:

Robert Stone said...


Still watching these videos you are putting up:

I found an article titled, "Move over, Andy Warhol":,9171,501030526-452870,00.html
with this quote from Takashi Murakami:

"I need to rebuild the wall between the commercial art and the fine art I do," he says. "I need to focus on the fine-art side of me for a while."

I haven't figured out what SuperFlat is but I think that it may have something to do with a new approach to perspective. Wkikpedia says that Murakami uses the term for shallow emptiness of Japanese consumer culture. Were you not talking about consumerism a while back?

That "My Lonesome Cowboy" sculpture is -- I started to say an eye-opener -- you can fill in the alternative.
