Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Stuck Between a Box and a Digital Place

Today is the first of four days in a row I have off from work. I figure use it wisely and produce something now that I have a plan and a goal. But I kept hitting these weird blocks that would distract my efforts in one sense or another.

When I was working on my drawings, I found myself losing interest very fast and wanting to continue with my fireworks show. When I was on the computer, I found myself bored with the digital world I immerse myself in and feeling the need to actually sit down and complete that box of drawings.

The cycle would just keep repeating to the point where I had to just get up and go to sleep to see if I couldn't reset this.

I couldn't.

So here I am, blogging again because I don't know what to do with these feelings. And a new one is creeping up as the day is drawing to its close: the feeling that I just wasted another day without getting much of anything done.


Robert Stone said...


I think that you have been experiencing what is common when one is caught between the real world and the digital world. But the "non-artist" attributes it to something else and goes another way.

Taking a nap is probably OK but only useful if you get yourself physically tired before you do it. Take a walk....


Anonymous said...

Making art is hard. Days like this are my toughest struggle. I seem to have been in a similar doldrum for the past few months. Thank god I don't have a review panel coming up that I have to impress.

Oh wait... I do. Nevermind.