Friday, December 14, 2007

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like XXX-Mas

My day, technically, hasn't even started yet, and already I've been bombarded by the media's old-but-proven-to-work tactic of selling sex via a product that probably won't get you laid no matter how nice it is.

Now, personally, I have nothing against that kind of advertisement on a whole. If that is what it takes to get you to buy BOD Man Body Spray or even a shirt from A&F, then I see it as fair play when you have other companies out there advertising discounts that don't exist.

What has me bothered right now is the fact these ads are boring on softcore porn for me, what with my sexual frustration and all. It can best be described with the phrase "arrested experience in flirtation resulting in unwarranted trauma." In other words, I only have myself to blame for that.

And the stupid thing about that? I know why they are using that tactic to advertise. It is to get our attention. As a media influenced culture that is very sexually repressed to the point where talking about what you do in bed is considered inappropriate in public, it takes shirtless athletes ripped like Adonis and rail-thin beauties sitting in a very suggestive position to get our attention for a product that we otherwise don't care about. Unless you are in your so-called prime and want to get laid, because that's all that the demographic those ads are aimed for think about when they are frustrated over real life.

That said, let me close this entry with some perspective: I can't remember the last time I got laid let alone what it felt like.

1 comment:

Robert Stone said...


When I was at the October First Friday celebration in White River Junction and enjoying the music at the Main Street Museum, a guy came by where Timothy and I were sitting and said that real music came from a combination of the head, the heart, and the balls.

I always had a hard time with that idea of artistic expression being a way to deal with pent up emotion.

You need some real life. But while you are waiting for real life to grab you, there could be some interesting almost x-rated drawing.
