Sunday, January 14, 2007

Initiative Difficulties

It is getting more and more difficult for me to get up in the morning. It's even more difficult for me to do something as simple as get school supplies. What sucks even more is that the lack of any kind of initiative to do anything short of getting up is still there.

I know I'm burned out from the semesters before. I know that my ability to create with a level of critical thinking required for each of my classes is in serious need of recharging.

Maybe if and when I finally snap or fail out of my classes. That will get the message across, because my parents are obviously not listening to me when I tell them this. And it's already been established that as long as they are paying for half of my education, I'm pretty much their bitch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of initiative and difficulties, keep an eye out for your W-2 form in the mail. It'll be tax-time before you know it!!!
