Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Clean Start

It seems to be slowly becoming a tradition, as this is the second year in a row I've done this.

Around this time last year, I cleaned my room, mostly to get all the junk I collected out of the way or into the trash. This year, I did the same thing, freeing up more floor space than I thought I actually had.

The strange thing is, cleaning up such a huge mess that took a year to make was really easy. The hard part was getting started. After I got over that hurdle, I was able to get everything in order before dinner. Granted it took me two days just to do the immediate area of my room where everyone can watch movies on the out-of-date home theatre system, but still. If you saw the mess that was there before, it's quite a nice change.

This time around, I decided to include the computer. As you may recall, the last one crashed. When they opened it over at Best Buy, there was so much dust on most of the parts, it looked like the lint trap from your average dryer. I didn't want to have that happen again.

You would think going since August without even dusting the outside of the machine would result in the same mess. Apparently, there is a new design being introduced to maintain the inner workings of the computers while preventing dust build up. I was very surprised to find no dust on any part of the interior of the CPU. Which is strange given how much dust has collected on the outside of the tower. And on the printer, and the external hard dive shell I bought, and the power battery back-up unit...

At this rate, I'll end up becoming a neat freak like my mom. And we can't have that being an artist, right? Oh, wait, my more powerful stuff as an artist involves technology in one respect or another. Maybe I should be a little neater around the computer station.

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