Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Oscar Show Host Chris Rock Stirs Controversy

From Yahoo! News:
Internet gossip columnist Matt Drudge posted an item on his Web site over the weekend quoting unnamed members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences expressing outrage at some Oscar-bashing comments by Rock in an Entertainment Weekly interview. Rock said he had rarely watched the Oscars, and called award shows "idiotic."

"Come on, it's a fashion show," Rock told the magazine. "What straight black man sits there and watches the Oscars? Show me one. And they don't recognize comedy, and you don't see a lot of black people nominated, so why should I watch it?"

Drudge, whose item ran under the headline, "Host Chris Rock Shock: Only Gays Watch Oscars," cited unnamed sources as saying angry academy members were privately calling for Rock to be removed as host.
It's people like these that give reporters a bad name.

1 comment:

Leggy Pee said...

i heard about that this morning. lame. the media has gone into a conservative frenzy. that's why the grammy's sucked so bad.