Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Notice something missing?

Even though today is the celebration of the Year of the Rooster, it is also the day in which Catholics give up something as a kind of sacrifice during the 40 days and 40 nights of Lent. Why? I don't know. I wasn't taught my religion very well.

Hell, the only thing I know about my culture and religion is that the Philippine Islands actually nail people to a cross every Easter Sunday.

In any event, because I was raised the way I was, I've gotten into the habit of trying to give up something outside of not eating red meat on Fridays. Every time, however, I fail at it and is told I'll be going to Hell for it. (Like that would change anything now.)

Those that are successful in this normally give up something easy like avoiding their favorite foods. Creative Catholics sometimes do the opposite and start a new habit rather than stopping one.

Me? I'm giving up pornography for the next 40 days.

That's right. I will not be purposely seeking out any kind of pornographic material until Easter with the intent of self pleasure. Any accidental exposure to pornographic material does not count, as I was not purposely looking for it.

Hey, it's a lot better than giving up masturbation for Lent.

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