Tuesday, May 27, 2003

By the time I post this, it will probibly be tomorrow already so I'll say that this post is about yesterday.

I watched Bruce Almighty today. It's that new Jim Carry movie where he is given the powers of God to learn one of life's most important lesson.

What was the lesson?

Well, for starters, God isn't going to help you clean up your mess. You're going to have to do that yourself. He can't just make a person forget or forgive or anything! He gave us free will to do as we please, and as a rule, He won't mess with it. He can only point us in the right direction. And don't think that any of your mistakes and messes are too big for you to fix. "No matter how dirty it can get, you can always clean it up."

The most important lesson that anyone could learn is that there are things in life that we have that we take for granted. Everyone wants something to make their life better. They want to be rich or famous, taller, thiner, good looking, the man of their dreams. You have to ask yourself, though, one thing. Do you really know what you want? Will those things make your life any better if you were to have them? Are you that blind to what you have going for you to where you can't even feel fortunate to have it? We all want miracles to happen in our lives when we can't even see some of the ones that have already been given to us. "Parting tomato soup isn't a miracle; it's a magic trick. A single mother holding two jobs and still has time to take her daughter to soccer practice is a miracle. A teenager that says 'no' to drugs and 'yes' to an education is a miracle." We all want something more to make our lives perfect when they are just fine the way they are. What we want to have is nothing compared to what we have going for us.

I hate to say this, but I think this movie was a life changing event for me. After I left, I began to rethink my life silently to myself. Did I really have it as bad as I thought I had? No, in some cases I had it better than most. I may not have people that show love to me the way I would like it to be shown, but at least they love me. I may not have anyone to cuddle up and sleep with at night like I would like to, but at least I have a bed. I may not be as good looking or fashionable as I could be, but at least I have clean clothes. I may not have a job or much money to enjoy the fruits of life, but at least I can still enjoy what little entertainment I can get as if it were my last and get everything out of it. I may not have what I want to buy, but I have alot more than most have. I may not eat as well or as healthy as I could be, but at least I have food. So I'm not really as bad off as I thought. My life, in some ways, is okay just the way it is.

So why is it that I want to be with James and Dan and Russ and everyone else that I have been talking to? Is it because I think it will make my life better?

The real question is do I really know what it is I want?

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