Saturday, May 03, 2003

These past few days must have been "Mistakes Day" because I've made a major one.

You know how in the old game called Telephone where the phrase is more-often-than-not messed up by the time it gets to the last person? Well, I was told some information the other night that apparently got twisted. I then took it as a fact instead of going to the horse's mouth. That only made me a bad person not worth the time of day anymore. Again, another event in my life that words can't describe. The best I can say is that I feel like shit because of it.

Today, I just stayed in bed as long as I could. I really didn't want to face the day and all it's disappointments. That's when my sister asked if I wanted to tag along with her to OpryMills. I figured some shopping would make me feel good. I looked for Ultimate Ride as hard as I could. Found nothing. Frustrated and even more depressed than I was when I woke up, I dropped $5 into DDR.

Well, at least I still have $45 left in case I ever FIND a store that has the damn game I want.

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