Thursday, April 10, 2008

New York or Bust

Okay, so it is official. Mom and I are trying to get to NYC. Our research into the financial matters with the trip are at the point of no return. We are going to do this or kill each other in the process.

Which is proving to more factual than just a figure of speech.

This may be the first time I've planned a trip like this with my mom, but this isn't the first time the two of us have looked at prices for a major trip. That honor goes to my Study Abroad class. That said, it was easier looking those up and agreeing on times because we didn't have to worry about lodging and transit fees.

My experience in Spain has made the NYC subway map a little easier to read, but it seems everything I say involving that or any mass transit map is dismissed as bullshit by my mother. We literally spent 45 minutes going back and forth about the same train and subway line! She just couldn't get it in her head that what I was reading on the map was right because all the lines were confusing her. I even told her that "If this is anything like the subway maps in Spain, then..." this should happen. But to her, Spain's transit is different than NYC.

In her defence, it's been years since she has had to deal with any mass transit. The last time she used it on a regular basis was in Oregon. Some 14+ years later in a city where we don't have bus service in my area but six times over the course of the entire day before 18:00 has pretty much killed any experience she once had with reading bus routes and schedules.

Don't get me started on how strict she is about our transit budget. I can't defend that without the use of racial stereotypes.

1 comment:

Robert Stone said...


My most recent subway riding was in Boston in January 2006.

I was on the subway in Madrid in 1999 and I was impressed.

My sister and I took several subway rides in Montreal in 1981. And I had one ride to Expo in 1967 -- there was a transportation strike when I made my first trip to Montreal. But I did see a lot of things because I had to walk.

I was once on the subway in New York but that was so long ago that I don't remember much about it.

I like having plans and guides but some of the neatest things just turn up along the way.
