Friday, February 22, 2008

I Got A Date

Wish it was the kind I wanted...

April 11th is my tentative date for my Senior Thesis show to open. The show will be up until about the 22nd.

And FYI, I'm in the first of the two senior shows that Watkins will have. "Nervous" doesn't even come close to how I feel right now.


Anonymous said...


After putting together the Secret Shows I wasn't nervous at all about my Senior show at Watkins, even through the ridiculous controversy about nudity in my paintings.

I recommend you attend every single art show in Nashville between now and April 11th. It will make you less nervous. If you can relax, you'll be able to enjoy yourself at your show, and that's really how it should be.

Besides you have nothing to be nervous about!

Robert Stone said...


I agree with Jason that you should attend every show that you possibly can before your own opens.

I assume there will be a time when you will give your talk. Be sure to let us know about that. I will try to be there, incognito in so far as possible.

You are very lucky because you have something that not many seniors have -- you have Jason giving you suggestions and advice and encouragement.
