Friday, April 06, 2007


I just got back from spending a short time experiencing the art of my peers.

And as far as the art of the person that doesn't think too highly of me goes, it was some of the most refine visual pieces I've seen. Not only were they both visually engaging and interesting, but they were presented in a way that gently encouraged the viewer to think about them.

Most impressive, however, was the fact that he pushed the idea of what a gallery space is. The transformation of a sacred temple of the visual culture into a casual environment with conversation pieces positioned all around really questions not only what we should consider an exhibition space, but as well what is and isn't art.

As demonstrated by the above, I can separate my own personal convictions with a person from my feelings of the product they produce. I can only hope that some of my "enemies" can do the same for me in the future, those real and fictional.

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