Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Gallery Without Walls

Per requirement for the class, I must apply and provide proof of application towards two juried exhibitions in order meet the minimum needs of the class.

While looking at exhibitions calls, admittedly for the first time willingly, I couldn't help but feel completely jaded by what some where asking. Mostly due to entry fees and a lack of a steady income and partly because of my own laziness with such a close deadline coming up.

That's when I discovered something that excited me a little. It seems that there are a few organizations out there wanting to produce an online exhibition of art.

From the sound of it, these people want to replace if not challenge the idea of where we view art. Technically, we already have virtual galleries in the sense of things like flickr, Deviant Art, and even YouTube. However, these sites do not really do "call for entry" things let alone exhibit works of art. They can if you look around hard enough (I should know. I found a few on YouTube.), but they are ultimately nothing more but a platform for someone to post pretty much anything within their set user agreements.

But still, the very idea that an entire show being available online for anyone to access is quite a fascinating and interesting idea. With things like Second Life making millions of dollars simply because people are that sick of the real world, I can only wonder how much exposure one could get for uploading a digital documentation of a drawing for a virtual gallery.

Unfortunately, the date to get everything in is the 15th of this month. I'm going to have to kick some serious ass tomorrow. Mine, to be exact.

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