Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sexual Dreaming

A few nights ago, I had another sex dream that have been in line with the more recent dreams about sex. The short end of the stick is that in the dreams, I don't get any. The dream from a few nights ago featured female prostitutes and Leonardo DiCaprio for some strange reason. Both of which I found unattractive in my dream mostly due to some kind of physical abnormality.

This time around, something strange happened in my dream. I dreamt about my cousin whom I was really close to for a while when growing up. His hair was red and in a punk style, but the facial features were all his. In the dream, he was just sitting in the corner smiling and I was on my bed talking to him about, well, nothing really. We were just catching up. But the entire time in my dream, I felt way too happy to see him. In fact, I felt like I was in love with him in my dream.

Dreams are suppose to tell you something, or so I'm told. Yeah, I know, ironic. In any event, I don't know what to make of this. This is the fourth dream about sex and or sexuality that I've had in less than a month! I never have dreams about sex this frequently, especially two nights apart from each other. So what could it all mean?

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