Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Client, Boss, or Friend?

There's a problem with making friends in the work place. It's when they become your boss. Most places try to nip this in the bud with something called a fraternization policy. But they don't outright say that you cannot be friends with your boss. For example, the one I'm under says I cannot date or share a room with my bosses, but they are not oppose to off-the-clock hang out time as long as it doesn't effect job performance or the work environment.

My most recent design client is trying to become my boss in the work environment where we became friends. While a lot of people believe that I would make a good manager, the idea of answering directly to a guy that looks way too much like the people who are responsible for those dark days of my traumatic teen years is something that I rather avoid. Once he moves on to a better position, then maybe. It all depends on who takes his place.

And I do have friends who are my bosses, but when they put on that suit, there is a instant barrier that I construct due to rank. In other words, I may be friends with them, but I know where I fall on the food chain. Just because you can play nice with a T-rex doesn't mean they won't make you their lunch when the hunt comes around. Okay, bad choice of words, but you understand what I mean.

I think I'm being clingy again with who I think is the only person left that I can call friend. Well, the only person I can physically hang out with at least.

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