Monday, August 21, 2006

I got money. Now what?

This past weekend, there was an emergency in Virginia. My sister was sick. For those of you that don't already know, when my sister gets sick, she's practically dying. Or so she claims. It upsets me how often she gets sick knowing her diet and how small she is. Then again, I have my own characteristics that frustrate the hell out of people, so I guess it's only fair.

In that state of panic, Mom left with Dad to help cure her like it was life and death. I don't know why, but it struck a cord with me. Granted I don't get sick as often as her and I'm far from fragile physically. Emotionally is another story, but certainly not physically. But still, I can't remember the last time they bent over backwards for me like they did for my sister just this past weekend.

With them out of the picture for two days, I began to think about financial purchases. I don't know why, but it's been starting to be a new habit of mine ever since I got that summer job (soon to be Seasonal Job until I finally grow up). So, what did I want to buy now that I have money in my pocket to throw away? What else? Games. Specifically games that allow me to create things like Roller Coaster Tycoon. I had my eye on the third game in the series ever since I saw it from a Watkins alumni who disappeared off the face of the earth (but I found his MySpace, much to my surprise, when I was looking at a friend's profile).

However, as much as I would like to finally get that game before I'm another year behind everyone else, the smarter thing to purchase would be a shell for my no-longer-external hard drive from one of the eMachines that blew up on us this past summer. I want to turn it into an external hard drive for MP3s and the various extras and patches for those said games. The best part? If I shop around, it would only cost about 10% of what an iPod of the same size would. Granted I can't play it when I'm away from the computer or anything, but at least I won't lose the music like I have the last three times any of the computers I use decided it didn't like me.

Which leads me to the next problem! Since QuickTime is now being coupled with iTunes, I'm already half way to becoming one of the many people who have an iPod. Well, two-thirds technically because of the growing collection of MP3s from And while it is cheaper to just get the hard drive shell, I won't be able to enjoy the music when I'm working in class on those long projects where we have several class periods of work days or when I'm just hanging out in the student cafe.

I think of the stupidest things when the parents are away. I wonder if I'll ever grow up and be able to leave the nest without something horrible bad happening to me because of my indecision.


Anonymous said...

I have a 2gig iPod nano (the more compact version of the iPod - doesn't play videos) that I'll sell you for $120. It retails for about $200. I got it with my apple computer as an extra promotional thing, and I've only used it a couple times. I need money more than I need some goofy little music gadget, so if you want it, let me know.

Anonymous said...

You've worked all summer, and yet learned nothing about responsibility. "I got money. Now what?" Are you aware of the amount of debt your parents will be in when ever you decide to end you educational career? I am assuming you will not be the one to pick up the tab, especially with the way you seem to handle money. Instead of blowing everything you have earned on your "seasonal job" why not save. You even slightly realize your problem with the last two sentences. "I wonder if I'll ever grow up and be able to leave the nest without something horrible bad (by the way you can't have two negatives in a sentence) happening to me because of my indecision. It is not so much your indecision that could screw you over but your lack of knowledge on who the real world works.