Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Final Summer Thoughts

My last day at work was 48 hours or so ago, and with that, these last two days have been nothing but a complete and utter reminder as to how pathetic my life was (and probably still is) before I had a regular and steady pay check.

My last few days at work were nothing really to report back on. Hence why I didn't blog anything about it. One oddity, however, I should have wrote on was the fact that I stopped a teenage couple from having sex in a theatre with a good size crowd. Upon further thinking, I should have left them alone. There's a side of me that must be sick to death that I can't get laid and is out to make sure nobody else does. As evil as that sounds, it's probably the reason why I stopped them.

I also find it ironic that the area I was suppose to work my last days there for the summer was closed due to lack of staff and lack of working equipment. A transfer employee told me that the popcorn poppers are old models. The new models wouldn't cause the fire that shut down the lower concession. Or so I'm told. Still, it's a bit ironic given the whole opening that concession stand was the General Manager's idea, and a lot of the ideas he's had have been back firing on him.

But that's all behind me until December.

These last few days have been a different story. Sitting in front of the computer playing online games and other habits that are responsible for my social solitude and other geek-like quirks has done nothing but remind me as to what my summer could have been like. Painful on the eyes and just as bad on whatever skills I had prior. Humans evolved into specialty creatures. That's why we have jobs like athlete and teacher and artists. But special talents can degrade without proper upkeep. Needless to say, with my first class being Drawing IV, my cartooning and even my sense of observation are completely shot thanks to the lack of practice over the summer. Then again, can you blame me given the fact I was pulling 40 hours at least at a job that requires no thinking at all?

Porn has come back into my life yet again, but this time it came out of being bored with the games I play during their slow times. With school slowly starting up for the country, the online games I play are starting to show their seasonal peak and slow hours. Interaction with other players means waiting until the schools let out or the college classes end.

That being said, I've been sitting on the idea of if I should continue with the current degree program I'm in or just transfer over to video game design like I originally wanted (but was rejected over due to my lack of a portfolio). It's a real interest, and I've talked to most people about what I should do. Some are saying to transfer, as a degree in the arts isn't going to help my chances. It will look good on my application, yes, but it won't help me get into the school. Others are saying just stay put. And others still are doing the research for me or telling me to go visit this site and that site.

Of the sites that everyone has pointed me to, most of them make me wonder if I should have gone to a technical college. The sites look professional and appear to be guarded by a language and lingo that is common to those in the field and in the know as to what this program does and how to use that tool. They are intimidating to say the least, but none the less informative about the use of technique and tools. Unfortunately for me, I won't understand a word of what they are saying until I actually get my feet wet in that field.

Still, after rediscovering my passion (or addiction) for video games in general, this idea is just something I've been sitting on for a while now. It's a scary thought, realizing that what you are studying probably isn't want you want to be doing. Then there's the debt and all the things that come with it.

We'll see what I end up doing after I talk it out with Terry and all my other teachers at Watkins. In the meantime, I need to figure out my new sleeping pattern. I got too used to not having to get out of bed before 07:00 thanks to my work schedule.

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