Friday, August 19, 2005

I want to kill.

I set out to organize the pile of shit in my room to see what I can use for materials, what I can keep for resources, and what I can throw away. I ended up not finishing it because my mom wanted to get my sister's old computer wi-fi connected. Couldn't do it. All outward appearance say everything is working. It's just not finding the box, which I find hard to believe seeing how the box is right under the computer.

Then, while trying make some sort of sense of the piles of crap, I had this sick urge to just blow up the city using car batteries, blasting caps, and several miles of prima-cord. The idea is once a person turns on their car, boom! Works great as a car bomb against people you don't like.

The anger is getting to the point where I can't get rid of it. I can't even transfer it into my art, if you can even call it that. I hate being in the fundamental classes that are required. They are so restrictive because they assume that you don't know jack about what they are going to teach you, which they should because most of the time they are right. Oh, sure, if I make it to the later courses, then I don't see why not. But for now, it looks like I'll be painting the shadows and highlights of squares and other things.

I want to destroy the world. I'm sick of people saying you are wrong and we are right because we rule. We are all going to Hell in a handbag anyway. Might as well FedEx it.