Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Drive Home During Lunch

Printmaking should be interesting, but a bit on the frustrating side. I'm in a class with a lot of familiar faces, but at the same time I know their talent levels. Given my own, I'll be very surprised if there is someone that I am better than aesthetically. Thankfully, most of my teachers grade on an individual curve. If you are trying, you'll do well. If you don't, then probably not. Maybe that's why I got a C in Figure Study.

During her lunch hour, I called my mom to pick me up so I could get home earlier. On the ride home, she told me several things.

First off, I can't do this anymore. I'll be stuck in the building until 15:00 at the earliest simply because of the fact that the trip will make her late coming back from lunch. I can't blame her. It's a long distance to drive.

Second? She wants me to take a refresher driving course if they offer a weekly one on Fridays since I have no class. I groaned at this proposal. Once again, my sister came to my mind. How she was so excited about driving after she got her license only to be slowly tortured out of the joy and feeling of independence as my mother treated her as the second driver (Dad being the first driver of the family). My sister even admitted to me once on her day off while I was accompanying her that driving is no longer fun. And this was probably a year after she got her license. She hates driving, but loves her car. It's a strange balance. One that I know she does better than I do.

If I hate something, I avoid it at all cost if I can. So far, that method of dealing with things has worked pretty well. At least up until recently.

I don't know. My aunt doesn't drive, and people let her do as she pleases, both in my family and where she works. People don't mind giving her rides homes. Her friends don't even ask her for gas money. I can see how she would be presented with the same argument as I am right now. Why doesn't she drive in a city where a car is required and public transit pretty much stabs you in the wallet? Simply put, she just doesn't want to.

Frankly, I don't want to deal with what comes with driving. Like I said, being able to drive in my family means taking my mom places she doesn't want to go given several reasons like she doesn't know where it is or she just doesn't feel like driving. In general, that means being on the insurance and making sure you are responsible enough to drive defensively. This coming from a person with several years of pent up angst, none of which has been released on the canvas or drawing paper. And people want me to drive?

You have heard of road rage, right? Put me behind the wheel, and I'm pretty sure that I'll bring that to the level of any demolision derby. I can't promise it, but it will more than likely happen. Go ahead and say I'm just making excuses up to avoid the problem. Just remember one thing when you do.

A good chunk of the average murderers on Death Row right now probably have anger management issues similar if not exactly like my own that they somehow lost control over. And every human being has their limits.


Anonymous said...

You rely on your parents to drive you everywhere, but you do not want to learn how to drive because then you'll have to drive THEM places.

Is that ironic? or just really selfish?

Anonymous said...

Valid point.

I've got another: buy a motorscooter. One-seater. Problem solved.

In all seriousness, how long do you think you can go without driving? Do you really want to rely on other people all the time?

Anonymous said...

I don't know about your aunt, but when I was in high school and college, the people who didn't drive were called "tagalongs" and were a pain in the ass to always give rides to. Mostly because it infringed on our freedom to just go where we wanted to go. And it's not the driver's responsibility to ask for gas money - the tagalong is the one who should insist on contributing. A non-contributing tagalong is called a "moocher" or "leech" and is avoided by everyone at all costs. Especially with the outrageous cost of gas right now. It is only polite. Perhaps your aunt is lucky with her group of friends - good for her. But are you really trying to pattern your lifestyle after hers? Being a 20-something single gay man involves a dramaticly different pace than hers. She's not doing the same things you are. How do you expect to date anyone without a car? When a man tells you he doesn't drive, it's a huge turn-off. I don't know anyone who would even consider dating a man who doesn't drive - perhaps TLC explains it best in their song "No Scrubs." Conduct a survey around school if you don't believe me (or TLC) and find out for yourself.

And before you think you're doing society a favor by not driving, Mister, answer me this: How do you know anything about road-rage if you don't even know how to drive? Your pent up angst has not been released on the canvas or drawing paper, and that is no one else's fault. Only yours. Own up to it, sweetie. You're scared to do something new and a little frightening. There's no shame in being afraid. There IS shame in letting fear inhibit your growth. You're twenty-two. It's time to drive.

These "years of pent-up angst" and "anger management issues" are a little freaky. What is keeping you from releasing this garbage? Find an outlet and let it go! You are in art school - the possibilities for stress release should be infinite. Outside of school, even, there are endless options: rock-climbing, tai-chi, swimming laps, hiking, kareoke, community theater, or volunteering for Nashville Cares, HRC, Nashville Pride, or one of many community centers around town. These are all activities that will give you a better perspective of yourself and the world, and if you have Fridays free, and no weekend job, then you really have no excuse for not doing SOMETHING to chisel down those frustrations.

Comparing yourself to murderers on Death Row is a nice touch for dramatic appeal, but it also sounds a little bit psycho. If you are really feeling so stressed that you honestly consider "killing something or someone," then you need to call a crisis center and discuss this with someone qualified to help. Columbine comes to mind.

Make some healthy choices for yourself! Start with the basics: food, shelter, and transportation. Once you start supplying these for yourself, you'll feel so much more at peace with the world.

Anonymous said...

Extremely well said. Bravo. I remember when I got a job, moved out, and got my own car, I felt so much better. I was supporting myself and not relying on anyone, because people can not be trusted. You can only trust yourself, and even then it's sometimes a risky prospect.

Anonymous said...

This is in response to the post above this one titled "I want to kill".
You know what you're gonna need in order to purchase these items of destruction you think you so desperately need?
A car.

I don't know what your problem is. But if you are honest and truthful and lay everything out on the table for us all to see, if your blog is an accurate representation of how your life really is, then you have absolutely nothing to complain about.You have a loving family, a roof over your head, an opportunity (that you yourself did not have to actually pay for) to get a worthwhile education, a chance to express yourself through art. And yet, you bitch bitch bitch about everything, and while it is all very entertaining, to actually consider taking other peoples' lives and WRITING ABOUT IT really pisses me off.

Unless you're hiding something, you have it pretty easy. You know what? I don't like doing the dishes. But it's essential to my growth. Much like driving, and helping your parents out with the computer, and getting out there and meeting (real) people.

I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of calling you a sick freak for saying these things, because that's what you seem to want. You want people to think you're different, and you broadcast it over and over and whine about how nobody likes anybody who is different. Not true. First of all, I think you are very ordinary. So ordinary, in fact, that you refuse to grow. That's pretty boring.

I would suggest you get some help somewhere, but you don't even want to help yourself. Sad, so sad.
Get over yourself.
Grow some balls.
And for the love of god, give your mother a hug and tell her how sorry I am for her.