Friday, June 24, 2005

Movie Trivia # 034: The Devil Made Me Do It

In National Lampoon's Animal House (1978), the word "Satan," which is written on a blackboard, looks totally different from one shot to another.
This and other Movie Trivia posts brought to you by Roman Soldiers Don't Wear Watches by Bill Givens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are these movies that are important to you? It is interesting stuff and if you are in the business of film production they are probably things that you would have to know about. I just realized that you could be a film "artist" and all this time I thought you were a visual/fine art artist. Like how musicians and singers and actors refer to themselves as "artists" all the time, because of their creative trades, but not visual arts. I am so sorry if I misunderstood what kind of art you do. I would love to hear more blogging about your film projects though. Suddenly it makes sense, with all the photographs and film cinematography that you probably aren't an art-artist at all. I feel so stupid!

It looks like you've stopped putting personal reflections on your blog since the spring classes ended. Its is such a long blog and I have looked back at some early entries, and it is fascinating to watch someone grow and develop over so many months. What's been going on lately? Dry spell?