Monday, February 23, 2009

The End

A series of events has caused my usual Post-Valentine's Day slump to turn into an all-out depression. One that, apparently, I'm able to hide very well at work. Unfortunately, that doesn't make the job any easier. If anything, work is now my distraction from life, replacing school which used to have that slot.

I never really talked about this much, but for a long time, I would have reoccurring dreams about school or set in a school. They were always very strange symbolic dreams. I would get lost on my way to a class or I would find that my knees would give out under the weight of the books I was carrying. The strangest yet most common one was a dream I had where I couldn't find my gym shirt only to look down and see that I suddenly had it on.

These dreams stopped once I entered college. They were replaced by that level of deep sleep that doesn't trigger the dream cycle of the brain.

Recently, a new reoccurring dream has been making itself known. Same type of dream only the setting has changed to the work place. The only common thread between the ones I can remember is that there are no customer interaction in them. They all have to do with the people I work around or under. And recently, there has been this underlying sense that I am to be stuck in the position that I find myself in.

Like I said at the beginning of this, a lot of things have happened to me that has triggered a serious depression. I can't find anyone to talk to that has the time. E-mailing people that know me very well has proven impersonal if not unimpactful. Very few people actually know me, yet it is easier for me to just lay it all out there on this blog for everyone to see. This is my default when I have no one to turn to.

The list of problems are ones that several people are already familiar with: driving, not living on my own, being single when I don't want to be, etc. In the comfort of my room, I've caught myself talking to myself and finally admitting what is going on inside my head that has prevented me to do any of those things that would help me grow as a person.

I'm afraid. I'm afraid to live life. That merman picture I did for my thesis show illustrating that has become more truthful now than it was when it was hung for the show. I can't bring myself to take risks.

I'm afraid of driving. The idea of being in control of this machine that could kill both myself and several other people scares the hell out of me. The responsibilities that come with it such as gas and insurance and being a safe driver in general make me paranoid about not living up to expectations. Even the media has affected my perception on the type of car I would drive, making me very insecure about what little self-image I have left. (Which, at this point, is my ever-complimented pony tail. Seriously, that's the only thing that gets me compliments from women who think it's the most beautiful thing they've ever seen.) Being behind the wheel of Jason's car during his last summer in town was the most difficult thing I had to do. Confronting your fear normally is. And despite all the hard work and time he sacrificed for me, I failed him because of the fact that I'm that afraid of driving. The only thing that helped me was the fact that he was there and trying to help me. Once he gave me that assignment to try and do something driving related on my own, the fear struck up louder than a marching band at half-time at a high school football game. Now that he's gone to the west coast to live his own life, I don't really have anyone to fill that role.

What about my folks? Those busy bodies whose only free time is when I'm away working at the movie theatre? Do I even need to answer that? My days off happen when they are working, and vice-versa. In fact, my mom wants to see a movie but she refuses to see it when I'm working despite the fact she can get in for free while I'm on the clock. Yet she has no problem going to have lunch at my sister's work while she (my sister) is working... when she's in town, that is. And I can't exactly request the weekends off; that's when the movie theatre needs as many people as they can get.

Speaking of which, as far as being single and hating it, I'm learning the hard way that work is not the best place to be googly-eying over every attractive guy that walks into the building. Unfortunately, I'm on the verge of making that mistake for the second time and is trying my damnest not to go there. But it just gets more and more difficult every day. I found myself struck dumb one day when a really attractive brunette walked to the Box Office and in his moderately deep voice asked for a ticket for Milk with a smile that made me melt. And there was something in his eyes that, for the first time, actually set of my gay-dar in the proper direction. But this is a no-no at work. The quickest way to get fired is to hit on the paying customers. (Actually, the quickest way to get fired is to aggressively hit on a co-worker, which is something I almost would have been charged with if I didn't work things out before it got too big for me to handle.)

There's a scene in The Wrestler where Rouke's character missed a dinner date with his daughter only to have the shit hit the fans at light speed. It ends with her saying something along the lines of that Rouke's character is broken. He's always been broken, and trying to fix things just makes it worse for everyone. She likes him being broken, and tells him with tears of anger and hate that there's nothing wrong with him being, essentially, a fuck up. In fact, she would prefer it over his efforts to reconnect with his daughter.

It's time to just come out clean. I'm not going to get anywhere in life. I'm too afraid to do the things that will help me grow. I'm unwilling to do them by myself despite the ever-growing need to do so. I'm at a point in my life where if I don't do these things now, I'll be fucked for the rest of my life. But the sad reality of the situation is I can't. Or maybe in the eyes of some, I simply won't. I need someone to hold my hand and baby me through these things no matter how long it takes, but I know that will never happen again. I had a taste of this rare gem of compassion, but other factors came into play and it was cut short for me. So is life.

I can't really live life in fear of the things so many teenagers look forward to do. I can't settle for stagnation or co-dependency in a culture that frowns on it or makes fun of it in movies and TV shows. Nor can I live with myself if I discover that my situation is now the main plot of an episode of Monk or the latest summer raunchy comedy film.

I can't live my life like this anymore. But I'm too afraid to do anything about it. All I do is complain about it to a public that doesn't appear to be listening.

I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough.


Robert Stone said...

The mute who do not
appear to be listening
fear to hear too much


Most of this sounds very familiar to me although my thoughts about my own engagement with life were different. I follow several young people on Facebook and MySpace and a little in person and many of them who are doing all the things you are afraid to do, still are unsatisfied with their "real" life.

Driving to impress others is dangerous and you shouldn't do it.

Living on your own is desirable and you should try to do it.

Your logic has one big flaw:

If you "can't live my life like this anymore," then what is there to lose if you "do anything about it."


Anonymous said...

Here's something that could help you feel social, also help out former classmates. Since cool springs is kind of near you, you might even be able to get someone to pick You up. The free movie is kind of pointless for you, but your incentive is that you need to get out of the house and feel alive again:

Iggy is in need of extras for his up coming senior production! HANG ON THERE IS MORE! His film is set in a movie theater and needs a ton of people to fill up the seats. IF YOU COME (yes, there is incentive) you will be able to watch any free film you want after your scene thanks to Iggy (it helps that Iggy works there) =-) so, BE IN A FILM and SEE A FREE MOVIE! What is better than that?


When: Friday, Feb 27th (THIS FRIDAY) from between 8am-2pm (hopefully wrap you before 2pm).

WHERE: Carmike Cinemas Thoroughbred 20 in Cool Springs

WHY: Because you want to be a star! And help out a fellow student filmmaker.. and see a free film =-)

So- bring your friends and join us on Friday! If you need more information, please contact Iggy's AD (Caroline Ingrassia: 704-258-5450 or

IF YOU plan on coming out- just drop Caroline a text/phone call/ or email and let her know. We would LOVE to have you! Thanks!