Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Post-Show Snore

I wish I could say that the reason I was not able to blog was due to some kind of technical hip cup on my end, as I'll end up saying on my Spore Blog. The fact of the matter is that I'm just too lazy to keep up with this having been too busy several weeks before setting up the show which will come down this Saturday.

I have my second draft of my paper due this Friday and was shocked to find how much of my notes you end up forgetting due to the stress of putting up the show. I think being first up had something to do with it. Either way, that's what needs to be done. Followed closely by insurance documentation of the work and maybe sharing those photos here on the blog.

Other than that?

I got a DVD box set featuring the complete run of Batman: The Animated Series and have been enjoying it since, even if only at a slow pace. My mom teased me saying that all I need is the Ninja Turtles DVD and I'll have all the shows that she remembers me watching while I was growing up. I teased her back saying that I still would need a whole slew of other shows before that statement would be considered true, namely shows like Tiny Toons and Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers and the long lost educational cartoon Hystaria!, which had the best time slot for any cartoon of its genre from what I remember.

I'm expecting Kung Fu Panda at the end of the week and will be checking out the 2D sequel that will be coming with the "Panda-monium" pack. I was talking with my friends in graphic design as to how rare 2D animation is these days, so any chance to see it is like being able to watch a Broadway production in NYC. Or at least it is starting to become like that.

I don't know. I think I'm throwing my own private party for myself seeing how there wasn't much celebration sponsored by my family post-show. This was mostly due to the fact that we had a guest due to the fact that my sister doesn't feel comfortable driving from Virginia on the interstate by herself. So most of the post-show weekend was spent entertaining my sister's friend. I tried to get at least one of my wants in during that time, but it was shot down because of budget (and the fact that I was in a very public location and couldn't argue as loudly as I wanted to). So, yeah, no sushi until this coming Saturday, but unfortunately it will have to be between the hours of 11:00 and 14:00. Not exactly ideal, but better than nothing I suppose.

Well, I guess I should go back to figuring out my notes and then inserting them into my second draft now that I'm done with my lunch that I was eating between paragraph breaks. The meal of college champions: Ramen.

1 comment:

Robert Stone said...


The article in the Nashville Scene says the senior exhibit is up through next Sunday. The Watkins webpage says you are giving your talk on December 8. I know artists don't always keep up with details but this is a little much.
