Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cockteasing Dreams

I had another dream that involved sex, only this time I wasn't the participant in it. The images are like that of a bad porno. Two really hot blonds, perfectly tan, are already nude and then proceed, mostly out of frustration, to fuck the hell out of each other like monkeys. Literally. Screaming and moaning and all that good stuff abound.

I don't understand dreams like these, but I really do wonder why the hell they are the second most common dream I have next to all the death and dying dreams. The logical side of me hopes that all those dreams are just my brain processing how much porn samples I watched over the last year or so. The more illogical side of me believes it is my brain saying that I need to be sexually active now or I'll never be much of anything (whatever that "anything" is).

Dreams like these demand a cold shower when you wake up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right on both counts: your brain has stockpiled porn images and your body is coping with hormonal urges that you are not allowing it to act out. I recommend masturbation. If you aren't going to give your body what it wants, at least simulate the process to keep your chemistry balanced out. Instead of a cold shower, try a long hot shower, with a handful of lotion. Enjoy yourself.

There's really no psychoanalysis here - it's simple. If you were hungry you'd be dreaming of food. Or of two really hot, nude, tan blonds, feeding each other food. Your sleeping mind is just dealing with the gap between what it wants and what it's not getting.

My friend Rick has a mantra that is appropriate here: "Don't be dumb, getcha some!" This means that two hot tan blonds aren't going to knock on your door and insist you have sex with them. You have to make an effort to go after what you want, because it's only stupid to let fear hold you back. (please note: I'm not calling YOU stupid, but the behavior of letting fear hold you back is stupid. There's a difference between you and your behavior)

And speaking of stupid behaviors, why didn't you call me last night about going to that party? There were some really nice hot guys there! You missed out on some good times!