Tuesday, September 05, 2006


It's getting worse.

Labor Day weekend, when I should have been doing my drawing assignment and reading up on my Latin American art history, all I ever did was play Roller Coaster Tycoon on yet another gaming binge. Four days of nearly 16 hours of nothing but trying to figure out how to theme a virtual park so pre-programmed people can enjoy themselves.

I'm obviously stressed about something and need the time off from life. I can't take a semester off either. I dropped the idea by my folks--they are paying for the bulk of my tuition, after all--but they took my need for a semester away from school as a want to just play games all day long. They didn't see it as a need for a vacation or some of kind time off so I can get back into not being so high strung all the time.

Just another reminder to everyone and myself that I need more than just time off. I need a change of environment.

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