Friday, February 09, 2007

The Jury Finds the Piece...

I just got back from the opening reception of the Student Show at Watkins. And right now, I feel so strangely happy it borders on the insane.

First off, this is the first time I entered a show of this kind and actually got in. My previous attempts were all met with rejection in one respect or another. To be in a juried show is a big deal in the art community because it is basically how we compete to get exposure without having to go through most of the red tape involved for putting on our own show. We don't have to worry about the when, the where, and the what to do for the event unless we are part of the committee throwing it together. On top of that, to be in a juried show that features students is an honor in itself. You and your piece end up representing the school for the short time that it is up, which may help the school get more students if not more money. Or, as was the case several years ago, more attention than you may want.

To get into the juried show was enough for me. But apparently, just the fact that I finally get to show my stuff to the school without resorting to class-based guerrilla installation wasn't enough for the powers that be.

Part of the incentive to get students to enter in the show is prize money. Half of pot goes towards what is known as the Purchase Award. The piece that wins that award ends up becoming part of the school's collection, which means that piece becomes a part of the school's history. There are other prizes such as Honorable Mention, Faculty Award, and Best of Show. Generally speaking, each level is like winning first, second, third, and runner up.

I was not expecting to win anything, but I attended the Awards Reception anyway to pay honor to those who won. The usual people I knew and were familiar with their works won, and they all were well deserved awards. We went in reverse order, starting with Honorable Mention. Then Faculty Award. Then Best of Show.

My name was one of the winners for Best of Show.

When I heard this, my heart stopped beating and my head lowered out of humility. I felt like this was a dream, I was going to wake up and find myself on the cafe couch. But it wasn't. I made my way pass the rows of people in front of me. In the clearing, I had flashbacks of high school graduation. My mind kept saying over and over "Don't trip! Whatever you do, don't trip!"

Congratulations were given by everyone as the reception went on, but I left after having my ego inflated beyond what I expected. It wasn't until later that I realized that the award was sweeter than I originally thought.

The piece that won was the same piece that was misplaced during the show I was in with Jason. The piece that almost ended up in the trash.

I don't remember feeling this happy before. I don't remember feeling this high and optimistic ever in my life. I don't remember being able to enjoy the moment for what it is.

I like this feeling.

If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up. I want to live in this feeling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I've been following your blog for several months now, first time I've actually left a comment. Just wanted to congratulate you for winning Best of Show. When I first started reading your blog, I skimmed over the "back issues," and I believe this is the happiest I've ever seen you.

May your good fortune continue,