Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Another Emo Post

It's been a while since I last had a whiny post, but I think this morning warrents it.

Last night, I noticed that I was talking too much. I also found myself saying and acting in a way I don't normally do. Something apparently snapped. The social isolation and alienation made me go mad during the conversation.

This morning, a very honest student confided in me that I weird people out. This isn't the first time I've been told this. This isn't also the first time that people suggest that I try and change that.

This isn't the first time I've also said the same thing I've been saying about trying as hard as I could but am unable to change certain aspect of my personality. Nobody believes me.

Humans can change. We are kind of programed to do so. But when we are too much of an individual, we end up becoming weird. To be normal, you have to be unique enough to still be different but conform enough to be the same. It's strange to have a point where we have to stop the change because changing too much is a bad thing.

Another mindless rambling.
Another emo post.
Another bit of my angst trying to get out before it comes out in a bad way.

The fact that I weird people out is something I've accepted, mostly because I've gotten used to the lack of interest in going out and making friends despite this want to socialize. I know, it's not healthy, but knowing how I act around people I'm comfortable with in a private setting? It's probably for the best. Unfortunately, I can't change what people think of me even if I change my more frowned upon characteristics. Someone is always going to be weirded out by me.

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